Wayang Gremeng


Director: Koko LF Kartiko
Artist: Slamet Gundono, Slamet Thukul, Seniman Wayang Ngremeng

Wayang Gremeng is a traditional opera accompanied by muncung or a capella music. The form originated in Central Java. The formula of music and spoken words is adopted from local arts like the jemblung opera that thrives in the Banyumasan culture and in various places along Java’s northern shore. The language used is a mix of dialects from those different regions. The stories are based on the Mahabhrata. In every show, an offering of an array of food is placed on a table surrounded by the artists. The artists themselves consist of singers, some of them also double-function as wayang figures. The food can be eaten or used as a prop. The leading man in this community is a puppeteer named Ki Slamet Gundono.

Format: DVD
Duration: 32.18 mins
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