Grave Sin #14 & Other Stories


By Yusi Avianto Pareanom (author); Pamela Allen (English translator); Jan Budweg, Nele Quincke, Suzanne Ongkowidjaja (German translators)


Short Description:

Yusi Avianto Pareanom’s fictional characters are inseparable from their environment and cultural norms. The plots of these stories are no less idiosyncratic than their themes. With their focus on the urban environment, the lifestyles of the middle-class, and popular culture, the stories in this selection will appeal to readers of both serious and popular literature.


Paperback: 172 pages
Size:11×18 cm
ISBN: 9786026978004

Language: Trilingual (German, English, Indonesia)

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About the Author

Yusi Avianto Pareanom completed his tertiary education at Gadjah Mada University in geodetics engineering and worked as a journalist for several years. Though known as a short-story writer, he has also worked on graphic novels. He is the founder of Banana Publishing, a small publishing house, and also works as a freelance editor.