Ars Poetica & Other Thought Pieces



By Hasif Amini (author), Marjie Suanda (English translator), Heike Reissig (German translator)


Short Description:

The book’s title, Ars Poetica, clues you in: the essays herein constitute a reflection on the art of poetry. With their lyrical language, Hasif’s essays are practically poems in disguise. Hasif writes as if in conversation with a friend for whom there is no need to lecture or show-off his knowledge.


Paperback: 140 pages
Size:11×18 cm

Language: Trilingual (German, English, Indonesia)

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About the Author

Hasif Amini studied economics at the University of Indonesia, but his interest in literature lured him to change course and become a freelance translator and editor. He is a literary curator at the Salihara Arts Community Center and is also guest editor for the weekly poetry column of Kompas newspaper.