Antologi Drama Indonesia, Jilid 2 (1931-1945)

Product Details:
Paperback: 330 pages
Size: 16 x 24.5 cm.
ISBN: 979-99858-3-x
Language: Indonesian
Rp. 200,000
by Adlin Afandi, Aoh K Hadimaja, Armijn Pane, Kotot Soekardi, Kwee Tek Hoay, MD Alif, Merayu Sukma, Saadah Alim, Sanusi Pane, Usmar Ismail |
Short Description:
The plays of the 1930s era were known as “room dramas”—a genre better known for its literary than dramatic quality. It was in these plays that playwrights of the period inserted and disseminated socio-political ideas. The eleven plays found in this volume were written both during the colonial era and the Japanese occupation. Despite tight censorship, dramatists still found ways to foment progressive and nationalistic ideologies.