By Inggit Putria Marga
from whence were you born? cluster of light of uncertain
color and form; a school of water constantly moving
its home address; a lot of earth knowing how to be resolute
when spat upon. when were you born? time is no longer days,
weeks, months, or years. it no longer recognizes seconds, minutes,
or the cluster of black numerals that
form a clock’s face. when time takes the shape of a series of clouds
of uncertain form which are not bound to last. why did you have to be born?
Because that which can flow is not only water, but also the drain of blood beneath your skin
that which can burn is not only fire, but also the suns that are beneath your brows
and that which might blow is not only the wind, but also the windmill of breath
revolving in your chest. who was it that made you to be born? while, earlier the question was, from whence was I born
Translations by John McGlynn