Antologi Drama Indonesia, Jilid 1 (1895-1930)

Product Details:

Paperback: 300 pages
Size: 16 x 24.5 cm.
ISBN: 979-99858-2-x
Language: Indonesian


Rp. 200,000

by Andjar Asmara, F Wiggers, H Kra t, Kwee Tek Hoay, Lie Kom Hok, Oen Tjhing Tiauw, Rustam Effendi


Short Description:

Antologi Drama Indonesia, a four-volume anthology, is the most comprehensive collection of plays ever published in Indonesian. Volume 1 in this anthology includes examples from the diverse genres that make up Indonesian popular theater: komedi stambul, a form of musical theater initially dedicated to the Arabian Nights; opera derma or Chinese-Indonesian “charity opera”; and tonil, theatre in the mold of European realist social drama.