We are an independent, not-for-profit organization based in Jakarta, Indonesia,
promoting Indonesian literature and culture through the translation of its literary works
Against the Grain
By Suwarsih Djojopuspito
Translated by George A. Fowler
Born 100 years ago on February 6, 1925, this year is, in Indonesia, “The Year of Pramoedya,” with commemorative events being held around the country. As there will be much more written about this author in future Lontar newsletters, this column provides just a glimpse of this remarkable author’s life.
Born in Blora, Central Java, Pramoedya’s works span the colonial period, Indonesia’s struggle for independence, its occupation by Japan during World War II, as well as the post-colonial authoritarian regimes of Sukarno and Soeharto and are infused with personal and national history.
First gaining national fame in 1950 with his novel, Perburuan (published in English under the title The Fugitive), the author would go on to publish in the decades ahead, by rough account, more than 20 novels and novellas, a half dozen collections of short stories, and more than a dozen non-fiction titles. He also served as editor for several landmark anthologies and translated at least one dozen full length books into Indonesian.
Today, Pramoedya is best known around the world for “The Buru Quartet,” four novels set in the early 20th century, a time of rising nationalism, but his oeuvre is incomparable in its richness, with everything from fanciful tales to works of a feminist nature.
Pramoedya Anata Toer never penned an autobiography but this book closely resembles one.
In 1965, the author was detained by Indonesian authorities and eventually exiled to the penal island of Buru. There, for the next 11 years, he survived under brutal conditions, somehow managing to produce his masterwork, the four novels of the Buru Quartet, as well as the remarkable journal entries, essays, and letters that comprise The Mute’s Soliloquy.
First published in 1999 by Hyperion-New York and Lontar (in cooperation with Hasta Mitra), the New York Times Book Review called it “A haunting record of a great writer’s attempt to keep his imagination and his humanity alive.” In a front page review, the San Francisco Chronicle wrote, “A story too vast and serious to ignore.”
Unfortunately, Lontar’s edition is out of print and only a hard-cover edition is available online but negotiations are underway with Hachette Publishers (who acquired Hyperion) to reprint a new edition. Cross your fingers for a new Indonesia edition in this “Year of Pramoedya.”
“The Smiling Semar from America” (Semar Mesem dari Amerika) is a documentary film devoted to the life of Gregory John Churchill (1947-2022) and his love of Indonesian puppets. During his decades in Indonesia he collected more than 8,000 puppets from around Indonesia and other parts of the world.
The film was produced by the Lontar Foundation under the supervision of John H. McGlynn and directed by Eva Tobing.

Novel Against the Grain karya Suwarsih Djojopuspito bukan hanya berbicara tentang dunia pergerakan, tetapi juga kehidupan rumah tangga kaum pergerakan, tarik-menarik antara dunia privat dan publik di masa yang penuh gejolak. Novel ini boleh disebut sebagai novel feminis pertama dalam sastra Indonesia.
Mari bergabung dalam peluncuran dan diskusi “Perempuan dan Pergerakan”.
Jumat, 23 Agustus 2024
19.00 WIB
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