Ruminations by John McGlynn: Giving Up

As I begin to write this rumination on 2 March 2021, I recall that it was exactly one year ago the office of the president announced the first case of Covid-19 in Indonesia. With no outside activities to mark the days and no celebrations to distinguish one week from...

Surat dari Pejompongan: Baru, Modern

Bung ND, Jika kita membicarakan puisi Indonesia modern, maka sebenarnya kita berbicara tentang budaya tulisan yang baru—elitis, tentu saja. Umurnya belum seratus tahun. Jika dibentangkan sebuah garis masa padanya, kita belum bisa melihat garis yang berwarna-warni....

Ruminations by John McGlynn: A Tale of Three Historians

Indonesia is not alone in the countries where “history” has been written to conform to notions of the powers that be. At Saint Anthony’s grade school I was taught that God Himself had charted the course of U.S. history. By His guiding hand Christopher Columbus had...

Surat dari Pejompongan: Suasana

Bung, Saya tengah membaca puisi-puisi Tomas Tranströmer. Buku puisinya New Collected Poems terbitan Bloodax Books (2017), terjemahan Robin Fulton, baru saya bisa beli beberapa bulan lalu. Baru separuh jalan. Mungkin pembacaan ini tampak terlambat, tetapi, tidak...

Ruminations by John McGlynn: Pain, Fun, Fear, and Devotion

In the Catholic Church, each month of the year is dedicated to a particular devotion: January to The Holy Name of Jesus, February to The Holy Family, March to Saint Joseph, and so on, but the one I remember most clearly is October, which is dedicated to The Holy...

Surat dari Pejompongan: Pandemi

Jakarta adalah kota yang sibuk, tentu saja. Ketika pandemi Corona mulai menjadi masalah nasional sejak pertengahan Maret tahun ini, warga Jakarta dibuat ketakutan. Ada virus pembunuh: tidak kelihatan, tetapi serangannya sungguh mematikan. Tapi, pemerintah Indonesia...